Friday, September 14, 2007

sentece- in-context

A : Hey! What a messy room yours is.
B : Don’t say like that. I love my room.
A : And what are these stuff piling in the corner with dust?
B : Oh! They are video games. I’ve been buying all these old D-battery-powered
Video games from the 80’s.
A : You are pathetic!

Explanation : I can not know what this sentence exactly means. So I just imagined.
old D-battery-powered Video games means very old fashioned and it is not common. B is a queer who excited with unusual things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi YK! Your context is pretty good. The important thing is that the person appears to have a lot of the games. Another option would be to have someone ask, what have you been doing lately? Then the natural response could be, "I'm really into video games latele; I've been collecting all these old D-battery-powered video games from the 80's."

Nice job! :D